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What We Do
Our mission is two-fold:
We believe that to eradicate commercial sexual exploitation, or sex trafficking, it is critical to prevent it from happening in the first place. It must be stopped at the root, the source- the DEMAND! According to a 2023 report by Covenant Eyes, pornography fuels the demand (it creates the need for a supply) for commercial sex by promoting the belief that women are sexual commodities, which is a key belief necessary for sex trafficking to exist.
In addition, we believe through education and awareness training it is possible to STOP the GROOMING, and eventual sexual exploitation, of our children and youth. The child victim today becomes the adult victim needing intervention tomorrow. The INTERNET is the predator's number one tool to access their victims. "Predators PREY where children play."
Our team compassionately guides and mentors survivors as they navigate exiting a life of exploitation and begin a new life of renewal and restoration. Our hope is that they find their true freedom and the faith to dream again.

Meet Immediate Needs and Resources
Safe Shelter,
Addiction Detox
and Recovery
Long Term Recovery: Victim Centered and Trauma Informed
Legal Referral:
Family and Criminal
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